Facebook Ads: Changes to text and aspect ratios on Mobile News Feed
If you’re using Facebook for advertising, you need to be aware of this update.
See the announcement below from the directly from Facebook Announcement.
Starting August 19th, 2019, Page posts and ads on mobile will match the look and feel of the new Facebook design introduced earlier this year.
Updates for mobile News Feed:
Fewer lines of primary text will show on mobile News Feed. Now only 3 lines of primary text will show on Facebook mobile News Feed, after which people will be prompted to click to view additional text.
Maximum media height for photos and videos will reduce to 4:5 on mobile News Feed. The tallest supported aspect ratio for images without links and for videos is now vertical (4:5). Media taller than 4:5 will be masked on Facebook mobile News Feed.
- The changes to text, photos and videos are designed to simplify our formats and improve the consistency of our mobile experience. This will help drive increased ad effectiveness and make it easier to use the same assets on Facebook News Feed and Instagram feed.
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